Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Duties of a Doctor

Teaching, training, appraising and assessing doctors and students are important for the care of patients now and in the future. You should be willing to contribute to these activities.

If you are involved in teaching you must develop the skills, attitudes and practices of a competent teacher.

You must make sure that all staff for whom you are responsible, including locums and students, are properly supervised.

You must be honest and objective when appraising or assessing the performance of colleagues, including locums and students. Patients will be put at risk if you describe as competent someone who has not reached or maintained a satisfactory standard of practice.

You must provide only honest, justifiable and accurate comments when giving references for, or writing reports about, colleagues. When providing references you must do so promptly and include all information that is relevant to your colleague’s competence, performance or conduct.
Good Medical Practice, GMC, 2006

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