Sunday, October 14, 2007


It’s my first anniversary: one month since I started blogging. I had heard of blogs before, but I had never read one. Having looked around Blogger, I can see that most are written by young people (well, I’m young at heart!), and most seem to be a sort of modern-day diary: You write about what you have been doing and the random thoughts crossing your mind. I need to try this out.

Perhaps the best way would be to give you an idea of my (almost typical) weekend. Went to Birgu on Friday night with a few friends. Good thing we took a taxi because there was absolutely nowhere to park. The streets were all beautifully candle-lit. The WW II atmosphere evoked by the architecture and lighting clashed with the loud pop and rock music emanating from the piazza below. Dean Martin would have been so much better. So off we went to the Marina to pick up a water taxi to the waterfront (LM 4 for a 5 minute trip one way!), where we had a lovely meal and excellent wine (LM 14 pp including tip). Taxi home (LM 15 for 3 people both ways). Saturday I woke early, as usual, and stepped off for a brisk walk before waking up P to take him down to B’bugia where his father is escaping reality (he calls it writing a book). P is taking the PSAT on Wed and needs all the practice he can get. His dad is much better with him than I am, so there he goes. Back to Sliema for usual Saturday morning clinic, and then off to buy some vegetables and pick up J from his sleep-over. Must have been quite a night, because it was midday and he was still asleep. Anyhow, managed to drag him home to eat something before setting off for basketball practice.

A hour to kill: get the grocery shopping done. Home to deposit the shopping, then off to Mosta for another party and sleep-over (the social life of an 11 year old is mind boggling). Off to Bugibba to give a short talk on Cinemeducation and Community Service at TRD. Short chat to MMSA reps all looking a little worse for wear: it’s not clear to me whether the point of TRD is to listen and learn or to party. In any case, had a little chat about RCSI: It’s amazing how much effort they have put into this already. Then back to B’bugia to pick up P, who has had a full day of “work” and wants to be taken back to Sliema for a sleep-over.

Finally home at 8pm. Just my mother and I for dinner. Settled down in front of the computer to watch a wonderful film called “Wit” starring Emma Thompson. I think I shall recommend this movie for the next Cinemeducation. It’s a real tear jerker. Sunday morning: another brisk walk, then off to pick up J from sleepover. One hour later, take P to his guitar lesson (who gives lessons on Sundays??). Then cook lunch and off to B’bugia again, so that P can do some more work with his dad while I potter around the house sorting out all the bits and pieces that happen when men are left alone in a kitchen. It’s OK we have been married for 20 years: he’s a great cook, but the cleaning-up leaves a little to be desired. Back home to sort out dinner and get ready for weekly call to child no 1 who is studying in the US.

Skype is wonderful: she plugs in her webcam so I can see how bad the acne is this week (pretty good, actually) and observe first-hand the terrible disaster that has befallen her phone (face plate is cracked). Can I buy a new phone, she asks. You can imagine the rest of the conversation. We sorted out one of her college applications and went over her grades online. Imagine this: I can log onto her (state, not private) school’s website and check exactly how she did in all the homeworks, quizzes and tests she has had since school started in August. Not bad: mostly A’s and B’s. Reminded her to make an appointment for an eye exam and to eat well. Love you!

Well, I enjoyed that little piece of writing. Almost feels cathartic. Perhaps that’s why people blog. I think I will do this again. I’m thinking of a Clinic of the Week…..

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