Sunday, November 4, 2007

Muscles of Mastication

Some of you appeared confused by the muscles of mastication last week. Try this one:

Contraction of which of the following muscles contributes most to the backward movement of the lower jaw during the process of mastication?

A. Digastric
B. Lateral pterygoid
C. Medial pterygoid
D. Mylohyoid
E. Temporalis

Correct answer and explanation next week.

1 comment:

Themis said...

The correct answer is E.

Mastication is a complex process involving alternating elevation, depression, forward movement, and backward movement of the lower jaw. The backward movement step is accomplished by the posterior fibers of the temporalis muscle.

The digastric (choice A) helps to depress the lower jaw during chewing.

The lateral pterygoid (choice B) helps to move the lower jaw forward during chewing.

The medial pterygoid (choice C) helps to elevate the lower jaw during chewing.

The mylohyoid (choice D) helps to depress the lower jaw during chewing.