Friday, November 9, 2007

Letter to God

Dear God,

As You undoubtedly know, there is a little argument down here about intelligent design and evolution. If You really did create us in a day, and if You ever find humans worth another try, there are a few anatomical modifications that we hope You might consider the next time around.

As it happens, Lord, some of the organs You included in the mix have not turned out so well. Tonsils and appendixes don't seem to be especially useful apart from keeping surgeons occupied, or as clues to infection with "mad cow disease." And sinuses. Even if they do lighten the head, all they ever do is get infected. Couldn't we just have stronger neck muscles?

Our perversity in wanting to walk upright, when it is clear that this was not Your intention, has led to some real problems with our spines and leg joints. Would it be possible for You either to fix the pelvis at a right angle to prevent us from this error, or strengthen our weight bearing joints? We also hope You will anticipate our penchant for portable email devices by designing tiny little fingertips to operate the keys.

And the aesthetically splendid symmetry—could You extend it even further? It would certainly cut down our problem with trauma and strokes to have each side of our brain perform exactly the same functions. The rest of the head is outstanding, as are the limbs, but when we get into the thorax and abdomen, we have a few requests. You probably did not intend us to discard our diet of berries and nuts for fatty meats and pastries, but that's what happened, with disastrous consequences to our cardiovascular systems. Two hearts and a lipid-resistant lining to blood vessels would be just the thing (or give us an enzyme that transforms our preferred cuisine to harmless molecules).

We found out about alcohol, Lord, so it would be nice to have a liver (and maybe a pancreas) in reserve. Or You might remove the enzymatic chain that metabolises alcohol and make us too sick to consume it. Ditto for all the other drugs we seem so prone to abuse.

Thanks to Your gracious allotment of intelligence, we are on the verge of creating plenipotentiary cell banks, but there is a serious unresolved problem of individual compatibility. Somewhere—perhaps in redesigned sinuses, if for some reason You prefer that we keep them—there might be a little storehouse of such cells that could be tapped into when the need arises.

Despite the beautiful symmetry and economy of design with which we are blessed, it has occurred to us that the placement of our genital and excretory organs in such close proximity was either done to remind us of Original Sin, or because there did not seem to be a satisfactory anatomical alternative. Could You think about this? No obvious repositioning arrangement comes to mind, but some kind of retractable underarm mechanism might be practical.

In fact, this whole survival of the species thing deserves some rethinking. The delicate balance between the pleasures of sex and the pain of reproduction has been an issue for our womenfolk, who have borne the brunt of the pain. Maybe if they were given only two or three eggs together with a comfortable course of pregnancy and childbirth, the need for an endless succession of menstrual periods and the hot flushes of menopause could be eliminated without endangering our continued existence here on earth.

We hope, Lord, that You do not take offence at these suggestions, which are offered in all humility from creatures who surely do not fully understand the reasons that went into Your marvel of design, from its coating of skin to its molecular engineering, and we are truly grateful for Your efforts on our behalf.

PS: We know You have a sense of humour, Lord, but could you please do something about adolescence?

Paul Brown, BMJ, June 2006


Anonymous said...

What I found pretty interesting was the mention of the reserve of stem cells in our sinuses.

I believe I caught a glimpse the other day on TV of a documentary talking about how neural stem cells can be obtained from the olfactory nerve, as this is the only nerve in the body which is constantly damaged and repaired, or something.

After a quick Google, it turns out there is a lot of interest in this field, so maybe permanent nerve damage might not be so permanent in the near future, and we won't have to kill any fetuses to get the benefits :)

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed this post. Bit tongue in cheek. Don't really believe it, but it was good fun to read.

Themis said...

Postcripts to Letter to God

I offer a postscript to Brown's "Letter to God." If, God, you wish to make life simpler for man, perhaps any redesign could supply us with six fingers, rather than five on each hand. The logical consequence of this would be the development of a base 12 numeric system rather than base 10. Just think of the convenience—12 is exactly divisible by 2, 3, 4, and 6, whereas 10 is divisible only by 2 and 5. Those who have an extra digit due to polydactyly seem to cope very well.
It also seems a good idea to modify the testes so that they can produce sperm at a higher temperature and then perhaps you could safely tuck them out of harm's way inside the pelvic girdle? It has been many years since mine were last struck by a high speed projectile when playing sports, but I still vividly recall the intensity of pain which results from such impacts.
Kenneth Campbell

Anonymous said...

Yes, its me... the one who experienced a-lexia for the first time in my life this evening at 6pm while trying to study the Jakarta declaration for next wednesday's exam... complete block in my brain.... felt as though a ton of bricks were repacing the neural tissue between my two temporal bones... Yes its me... locked up in my room sipping gallons of hot coffee and Benzodiazepines... the one who gets to car park 6 at 7am, spends 4 solo hours in my car flipping through pages of Apley's Concise System of Orthopaedics and Fractures (how very romantic!!!!) when i should be dreaming about Hugh Laurie on the next HOUSE MD episode... the only way - otherwise i won't find a parking space...yes its me... the one lone ranger like Chuck Norris or Terence Hill (forget Bud Spencer)... browsing thru your blog site... reading your thoughts... my mind too is bursting with visions and dreams... of psychiatric issues and the philosophy of being a med student... its me... the one who says well done! smart site! good job! ;-) despite the fact that at the moment ... solemn moment...(Bow your heads)bearing in mind that exams due next week, life downright sucks... you bet... i'm mega stressed so i'm telling you the truth when i say that your blog site is a lighthouse in the darkness of my life.

Themis said...

Dear Ma nafx

You may wish to remain anonymous and I respect that. However, you seem really stressed out. If you feel that I can help you in any way, either send me an e mail and remain anonymous or you could call me on 99335044.